Thursday, May 7, 2009

Simon's Surprise for Mommy

Simon, my 8-year old, went on a field trip. When I picked him up at school, he said he had a surprise for me.
Here is the pretty box my surprise was in.
Upon opening the box, I found two wrapped objects nestled inside.
Carefully unwrapping.....
A beautiful swan purchased for me by Simon.
Simon said he named my gift. I asked what its name was. He replies, "The Swan"! I thought it was so sweet of Simon to use his money to buy his mommy a gift. He told me all he had to pay for it was $3.50! It was the last one of its kind in the store. His teacher told him he got a steal! He is growing up into a sweet a thoughtful boy. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is going to make a good husband someday and his wife will thank you ;)

Love the orange beetle!