Friday, May 1, 2009

Don't know what to do......

Callie got into a bottle of lime green craft paint and decided to do a little painting. I called the Furniture Protection company. We paid extra to have our couch & loveseat protected. This is what it looked like before the guy came to clean it.

Yesterday the loveseat looked great. I was very happy with the job he did. In fact, he even cleaned a small spot of lime green paint off the carpet. Today, I decided to take some 'after' pictures. Upon closer examination, I am seeing traces of the paint, not to mention the fuzzy things flying off the fabric. Now, I don't know what to do. Should I call the place back and complain? Should I have them replace the entire back panel of the loveseat? (that's what the guy said they could do if I wasn't happy with it) Or should I just live with the loveseat the way it is? I just don't know what to do? What would you do?


Anonymous said...

If you paid extra for the protection, I would have them fix it. You have basically already paid for it, might as well get the benefit of it.

Rob and Deanna said...

I would definitely call back & have it replaced since it is part of the warranty. However, if it is like our warranty, you can only have that piece replaced once. So...if it isn't bad enough to be noticeable you might want to wait until the warranty is almost up to have it replaced in case another "accident" happens to that part of the love seat. :-)

Carrie said...

Ditto to that!