Monday, November 3, 2008

My mother requested that I post this e-mail........

and here is what it says in response to my post about Duane (my husband) turning 36.....

Hey! Really good. I did not know that I was only 14 years older than Duane. He could actually be my younger brother. Ha! See I am not THAT old yet. They had my birthday down for Nov. in the newsletter and I made them change it. They took it off. I am not claiming a day toward 50 until it happens.


I had never thought about the fact that my mother is only 14 years older than my husband! Yikes!!!! My mother has brothers that are younger than Duane! Oh well.....another side note about my mom's age.....She told me that I better never mention anything about her age on my blog. Now that she has told all of you via e-mail (that she requested I post today) I will have fun announcing to you all when her 50th. birthday arrives! :-)


Carrie said...

That's a very interesting observation. ;)

Carrie said...

Ok, so Robert and I just figured out that there are less years in between he and my mom, than there are between he and his youngest brother!

~Regina~ said...

I guess you and I married really OLD men! :^)

~Regina~ said...

....or maybe our husbands married really YOUNG women. :) That sounds so much better to think of myself as being YOUNG.

My mother has 4 brothers and 1 sister. Two of her brothers are younger than Duane! Another interesting fact...My mother and her sister were born in the same year. One in January and one in December. Can you imagine!

Carrie said...

To think that Robert (and Duane) were already in school by the time we came along!