Okay! I am (at the last minute) deciding to participate in a giveaway in celebration of a new blog starting on Monday, June 8th. Here is the link if you want to check it out. Or here is a quote from the blog author:
"The Creative Director of a new site for sewers, called SEWN. Exciting right? I KNOW. The website will have just about everything you can think of that you would want online as a sewer. There are forums, online advice from industry experts, conversion charts, colour wheels, free patterns and class listings.
There will be interviews with all your favourite designers, quilters, patterns makers and authors. There will be tutorials with me and with other sewers from here and overseas, podcasts and coverage from shows and articles about all maner of exciting things.
Best of all, there are great unique gadgets - Fabricmatcher, which is an online tool which lets you match patterns to fabrics and see what your project will look like without sewing a stitch, and Find Fabric, which is the niftiest thing that will find the fabric you are looking for without you having to search for it for hours on the internet. It's so clever it even searches shops in your vicinity first to save you on international postage. How cool is that?
Plus there will be an online buy and sell area called SEWiNg, which is where you can sell the stuff you sew to the people out there who don't sew - and some of the ones who do :)"
There will be interviews with all your favourite designers, quilters, patterns makers and authors. There will be tutorials with me and with other sewers from here and overseas, podcasts and coverage from shows and articles about all maner of exciting things.
Best of all, there are great unique gadgets - Fabricmatcher, which is an online tool which lets you match patterns to fabrics and see what your project will look like without sewing a stitch, and Find Fabric, which is the niftiest thing that will find the fabric you are looking for without you having to search for it for hours on the internet. It's so clever it even searches shops in your vicinity first to save you on international postage. How cool is that?
Plus there will be an online buy and sell area called SEWiNg, which is where you can sell the stuff you sew to the people out there who don't sew - and some of the ones who do :)"
All you have to do to win the prize I am giving away is comment about something crafty you like to do or NOT to do! :) I will send a mystery surprise to the winner. Right now, it's a mystery to me.....but didn't want to pass up the opportunity to be a part of this new blog launch! The winner will be announced on Monday, June 8th. Good luck!
this my 1st time to be a 1st commentator in sewn giveaway party!
Hope i m lucky to have your mystery gift! Tq.
Party time and presents. How fun...
I basically want to do everything and anything I can get my hands on. After a long break I am back doing what I love to do - patchwork. So I have 4 projects on the go and have 8 more I want to do.
Its great that you are having your first giveaway. It is also my first giveaway it is so much fun.
I love surprises so any thanks for your giveaway.
I'm into quilting right now.
i like to use glue when crafting. i don't know why, but glue is fun.
Congrats on your first giveaway! I know a lot of people like surprises and so do I. Please add my name to the hat for a chance to win. I like to try everything crafty and sewing which leads to a very long to-do list and a very huge shopping habit. The only things I've never been interested in doing are crocheting, knitting, or wool felting. I'm currently sewing for and decorating my first home.
I love crocheting and quilting, I dont mind sewing clothing, but I really really dislike sewing with any fabric that has stretch, I can get it to look o.k but it stresses me out too much! Thanks for the giveaway I cant wait to see what the prize will be!
I love surprises! I like creating things with perler beads
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Arty, crafty, it's not my thing!
Of the land of CLUMSY, I am the king.
Friends all around are decked out with their bling,
But I'm afraid I'm doomed to ___ing.
(See? I'm not even a good poet!) LOL
P.S. I do have this habit of making homemade cards. That's pretty fun. =)
Surprises are so fun! Thanks for a great giveaway!
Mystery giveaways are always fun! I like to sew things with straight lines or simple curves and I LOVE my hot glue gun (though I don't use it much because of the littlies). I am getting very tired of hand sewing and have been avoiding it lately because I'm a tense sewer and just get too stiff and sore after a while.
surprises are fabulous!
crafty things i like to do - sewing, quilting, mixed media art, crochet, cross stitch, embroidery... am i missing anything! i like to do everything, judging by the state of my studio!
which leads us to crafty things i DON'T like to do - cleaning up my craft supplies!
thanks so much for the opportunity!
I love a mystery giveaway. Please enter me.
I ADORE fabric and I have fun with making lots of bags and skirts but the thing that really makes me loose sleep at night ( I am so passionate about) is making quilts - it seems the more technical and challenging the better...what a shame that sleep doesn't come in bottles so that I could be a mumma to 3 during the day and quilt and create all night.
Love a surprise...thanks for the chance to play....
Thanks for the surprise giveaway, that is a lot of fun! I do NOT like sewing the binding on a quilt.
I playing with fabric - mixing and matching! I love surprises...
I love to make necklaces and bracelets. It is so fun!
Thanks a lot for this great giveaway!
I love surprises too!!! ^^
I would love a SURPRISE.
I love to SEW. I scrapbook a bit but I am not hooked like sewing.
I love to make altered art and throw in a slight look of steampunk as I go along. Thanks for holding a sweet giveaway. How fun! Please sign me up.
I will never pass up a mystery give a way. I am participating myself, so enter if you wish!
What fun, a mystery prize!!
I am addicted to quilting, every bit of the process, from selecting pattern and fabric to binding and labelling.
I will have to live forever to make all the quilts I want to make.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
I enjoy embroidery but don't like the look of cross-stitching. It's probably the only craft I haven't tried. Sewing is my biggest love. Thanks for doing this giveaway!
I love a good surprise :)
I love sewing. I'm totally addicted to fabric, I can't get enough of it!
Stop by my blog I'm having a giveaway too :)
I love to crochet. It is calming. Thank you for a chance to win your surprise.
i like to actaully finish projects- very rewarding and i hate it when i break a needle in my sewing machine OR the bobbin runs out!
ooh, I love a mystery! Thanks for the chance to win! I like to sew and knit, and I'm trying to learn crochet.
I like to do alot of crafts, but right now the one I'm working the hardest on is sewing. I should be putting together quilted place mats right now...I'll get to it.
Theresa N
I am so excited for Sewn!
I have a love/hate relationship with some of my favorite crafts. I love dollmaking - the designing, sewing, embellishing, etc - wonderful!
I hate the stuffing and jointing with a passion. It is so time-consuming and BORING.
I've always liked a good mystery!! Thanks for the giveaway...
Oh I love surprises! Something I hate to do...scrapbook. I don't have the patience for it. I feel like it's alot of work and money for something that you can't even a quilt or a purse, or an apron. I guess paper bores me.
The crafty things that I like to do are rubber stamping to make cards and sewing/quilting.
ooooohhhhh, a MYSTERY! :-)
To be honest, the "fabric cutting" phase has got to be my least favorite part of sewing. I LOVE to "sew"...but with the cutting, I am always afraid I will mess-up.
Thank you!
Mrs B
I hate glitter.
I love to sew.
I would love a surprise from you - thanks for hosting a giveaway!
welcome to the party ! you joined my giveaway, I repay the honour! can't wait to see what your mystery item is!
I love to knit, quilt, sew, I have been known to scrapbook and make cards too. Lately I've been knitting more than anything.
Thanks for joining the SEWN giveaway. I love to do the piecing for a quilt, but I don't like to do the binding :-(
wow!! I love surprises!!
count me in, please!!
hugs Isabel
I like making children's clothes. Mostly girls, but I like making boys clothes too, because it is challenging for them to be cute and unique. Thanks for the chance to win. I love a good mystery!
I love cutting fabric. As a child, I cut all the hair on my doll's. Luckily, quilting has lots of cutting and trimming. Thanks for entering me in your give-away! Take care
I do not know how to sew clothing. I can do straight-line projects, like curtains, pillows, blankets, burp cloths. I just haven't been brave enough to try to sew clothing.
wow- i love a good mystery! at the moment i am hookewd on quilting, but really wanna tackle softies! wish me luck !!
For the most part, I love crafts. There's very few that I dont enjoy, except maybe beading. I just cant wrap my brain around it.
I'm a beginning quilter and working on my very first project :)
momtwoangels AT yahoo DOT com
Ugh. I CAN'T sew!! I've tried and my poor mother, who is an incredible seamstress, has despaired. Is there hope for me??
I really like to well as quilt. So exciting this mystery giveaway, and SEWN!
blrohloff at aol dot com
Hi Regina! I just signed up too! Such FUN. ; ) GO SEWN!!! And, who doesn't LOVE a mystery prize
I LOVE surprises! Hope I win :-)
I love to quilt but have also been making aprons and shopping bags lately. As long as it doesn't have to be too precise, I'm up for it :-) I'm especially enjoying my foray into art quilts.
I hope I am not too late to enter...
Thanks for the giveaway
I've tried many different types of crafts, but one that I didn't continue dabbling in is polymer clay. The fumes from baking the clay gave me a headache! Other than that, I am hopelessly addicted to all things crafty! Thank you for the chance to win!
thanks for the giveaway- I love to sew and quilt I have one major project that I am making -a queen size quilt with square charm packs and jelly roll strips
I am really into quilting and making clothes for my daughter right now. thanks for joining!
I LOVE to sew quilts. I hate to cut into cute fabric. Oxymoron, huh?
I love buying fabrics. Half the time I don't even know what to do with it but I must have it anyhow.
Can't wait to see what your suprise is.
I love to quilt and am currently learning how to free motion quilt on my sewing machine. Your surprise giveaway sounds fun. Please enter my name in the drawing. Thanks
OOOOhh. I love surprises!
something crafty I like to do? Right now, I'm in the middle of making clothes for my 15 month old twin girls.
who doesn't love a good mystery?! :)
Well I don't like to pre-wash my fabrics. I like to just jump right in to the project!
A surprise. How fun! I do not like to handsew. I avoid it at all cost.
I love everything about quilting, plus crocheting, knitting, and counted cross stitch. I just love fabric and yarn. Winona
Sound interesting :)
Check my last minute giveaway too :)
It is Bulgarian fabrics ai have not chosen yet - last minute after all :)
My favorite thing crafty to do is scrapbook with my 13 year old Daughter. We have the best time together. Thank you for the chance to win.
sewing is my fav. craft; because it's so forgiveable! thanks for the giveaway!
i love doing all sorts of crafts but the main one i want to do is crochet amigurumi animals but i just can't get the hang of it!! it's driving me nuts!!!
love a surprise giveaway, please count me in - thanks!
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