.....hmm.......maybe I'll roll my entire head in curlers for next Sunday! :) What do you think that would end up looking like.......?
Oh, by the way...any suggestions on how to curl a little girls' hair so that it looks a little less wild!!! :)
I decided to make a collage of the pictures to show you all the results and now I'm uploading it for the SECOND time! The first time I got a message saying BAD REQUEST -ERROR. I wonder if there is an easier way to upload collages of photos? Now I am getting more messages....Could not contact Blogger. Just isn't my day. Or maybe it's because it's Sunday and I should be taking a nap! :) Bad thing.....if I take a nap on Sunday afternoon, I have found that I just can't sleep Sunday night. :(
Am trying to upload for the THIRD time! Aaagghhh!!!!! This time I changed the file format on the collage. Maybe that will fix it.
Ahhh, but it is still SO cute! I like it like that!
Um, if you did that to your hair? I'm thinking poodle.
Her hair is adorable! I can relate to wild and there's nothing you can do short of using 1/2 a can of White Rain!
I think it is adorable!! Oh for the days that I could curl my girls hair. Very cute!
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