Friday, March 19, 2010

~Sewing for Spring~

After cleaning out Callie's drawers, I discovered she had practically nothing to wear that fit her!  I decided she needed some mama-made stuff for spring.  Yesterday, I made her 2 skirts & a shirt. (I'll have to post her monkey outfit later)  Today, 4 more shirts & skirts. I've sewn quite enough today and am ready for a break! :) 

~A princess outfit~
She LOVES twirly skirts, but my stars....they take FOREVER to hem!!!
My favorite set happened by accident!!  I sewed the sleeves for this shirt onto another one and was left with the red polka-dot sleeves.  I added a moon reverse applique and matching skirt and voila a very different color combo that I have fallen in love with. :)
A little purple & some stripes.

I just love this strawberry fabric.  Very bright and cheery!
Now, I MUST get the sewing explosion cleaned up!!! 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A SHORT scare!!! was short-lived THANKFULLY!!!!  I tried to sign in to my blog this morning to upload some pictures of the kiddos.(we baked cupcakes last night and it was a HOOT!!)  Anyways, I couldn't acces my blog and it said it was disabled!!!!!  Didn't know WHY!!!  I tried all different things, even sent an e-mail to google.  Well....finally I decided to start resetting passwords.  When I reset my password for my blog it allowed me to access it!  Weird, huh??  Oh to get on with the day.  Now that I've wasted so much time on all this!  Cupcake pictures later........:)

Friday, March 5, 2010

~Eating by Candlelight~

I've given up (put aside for now) a great deal of things but, my one luxury for dinner is to light candlesI have 2 brass candlesticks(a wedding gift from Duane) that have candles lit every meal.  Callie & Samuel each get to blow one out when dinner is over.  Seth or Simon usually light them for me.  For some reason, just that simple thing, lighting of the candles, makes me relax and enjoy the meal more. Even if it's only hot dogs and mac-n-cheese!! :) Silly, I know.....

Callie decided she wanted her own candle lit for lunch.  I pulled out a class votive holder and gave Callie her candle.  Here she is enjoying her Taco Salad lunch on Tuesday. 
Samuel, after seeing his sisters' candle, insisted that he have his OWN candle lit.  Back again to the china cabinet I went.  Rummage around and found another brass holder(another wedding gift from Duane).  Put a candle in it and he was happy!  Yes, I realize he's wearing a Christams shirt, but I let him.  He'll outgrow long before next Christmas, and he might as well get some more use out of that Ooga Booga shirt I made him!:)
Here they both are, enjoying their taco salads and their lit candles!  They've insisted on candles everyday this week for lunch, don't know what I'm going to do when I take them out for lunch at Wendy's today!!!