Callie absolutely hates for Mommy to comb out her hair. She loves for Daddy to comb her hair. Why is that? Maybe it's because Daddy is FAR more patient than Mommy with getting out the tangles! :-)

Yesterday she pulled out her two ponytails again! I seriously thinks she prefers to have her hair stringing all around her face.
I don't know if you all have noticed, but most of the pictures I have taken of Callie, her hair is a MESS!

I combed out all the tangles in the front, sides and back of her hair and pulled it into a neat ponytail. One in the back that she couldn't pull out. When I went to comb out the ponytail itself this is what happened! Bumps everywhere! She looked hysterical!
Her cries were also hysterical! 
She's not happy with all the pictures. Not to mention the fact that Daddy and Mommy were laughing at her! The combination of the wild hair-do and the expressions on her face were TOO funny! She is quite the DRAMA QUEEN!

It's all better now.
That truly IS hysterical!!! HAHA!
She sounds a lot like my Lelani...she is actually opposite of me and perfectionist on how she wants her hair done. She has her own names for her hair dos and used to be hard to know what she wanted me to do with it. Getting a little easier though.
Poor girl. Grace still won't let me do anything with her hair. I guess I'm just not a tough enough mommy. I can't handle the crying. I would reather deal with the untamed hair.
Stories. That is the way to go.
My hair was very curly when I was little and would tangle so easily. My poor mother had to put up with me dancing around and crying until she started making up stories for me when she combed my hair. I was as quiet as a mouse then.
Thanks for the idea of making up stories to divert her attention. I'll have to try that!
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