Brenda, our bus driver-in-training!

We spotted Seth and his group. They didn't want their picture taken!

Brenda-kissing the cowboy!

Callie started out walking, but ended up being carried by her Daddy while sleeping the afternoon away.

We had a group of 19 kids/adults that went to Suter's Corn Maze on Saturday. We all broke up unto small groups. It was hard to get pictures of each of the groups. We all started at different times and didn't bump into each other all that much.
Samuel walked the entire time. He was a trooper and VERY tired by the time we got finished.

We finally answered ALL the historical questions and got all the stamps on our cards!

A view of the corn maze from the bridge.

Going to get our prize for finishing! Brenda & I had told Samuel he was going to get an apple for finishing the corn maze. That was his motivation for keeping at it! He was not very happy when they gave out dum-dum suckers instead. He said, "But Mommy, I don't want a sucker. I want an apple!" Imagine that, a kid
not wanting a sucker!
~FUN & GAMES~Cowgirl Callie & Cowboy Samuel

Cowgirl's Brenda & Regina

Samuel got a chance to hit a target with a corn shooter.

trying again......

we didn't hit anything....

on to the ring toss......

the duck race......

it was VERY muddy here.....I'm picking up my stuff out of the mud...YUCK!

Callie loved pumping the water to make the ducks go!

Samuel on the pumpkin horse.

Simon on the horse....I think he's kinda embarrassed!

A picture of what the corn maze looks like!

What we paid.....Duane took this shot and the one above. I would have never thought to take them.

I love this shot of Duane and the kids reflected in the bus mirror. hands!

Trying to keep Callie corralled.

Seth takes a turn with keeping Callie under control!

Callie was full of energy on the way home. Daddy carried her through the corn maze while she slept the afternoon away!

Seth & Samuel finally fell asleep on the way back home.

Simon passed out from the looooong afternoon of fun!

It was a loooong, but fun afternoon at Suter's Corn Maze.
1 comment:
Looks like you guys had a great time!! I love all the pictures. My favorite is Duane holding Callie! She is so CUTE!
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