After my hair-brained idea yesterday to have a party for the kids, this is what I came up with. The dessert was the
Santa Maria, Nina, &
Pinta made out of chocolate cake, German chocolate frosting, straws, paper, candy bars, coconut & whale crackers! Samuel and Callie had fun helping Mommy open up the candy bars & fish crackers to decorate the cake.

A view of the cake from above.

All the kids coloring the Columbus pictures Mommy printed off the Internet!

Seth, the family artist, had to add a few extra details to his picture.

Simon concentrates on coloring his boat.

Samuel just wanted to make "big John Deere circles" on the blank side of the paper.

Callie had fun using every color to fill the page!

Seth & Simon's pictures....

~Samuel & Callie's pictures~

Our meal of Spaghetti-n-Meatballs, breadsticks & blue drink.
(The kids called the breadsticks - cannons!) It was just the 4 kids and Mommy for our impromptu party. Daddy had to farm tonight.

The kids gave a toast to Christopher Columbus. I think their favorite part of the dinner was drinking out of the bottles
. (This was the first time I've bought these drinks in years!)

I'm impressed you came up with that on the spur of the moment! =)
Love your creativity. You should write a book!
It looks like your kids had so much fun!! I need to steal a little of your creativity:-)
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