I have had lots of dreams over the last 31 years. Some of them BIG. Others very small. Some of them have come true, while others are still wishful thinking. One of my dreams was to have my very own hammock in the back yard. Last summer, a friend & I went to a garage sale. At this garage sale, my friend spotted a hammock and bought it. I called my husband up at work and told him all about this awesome deal my friend got on a hammock at a garage sale. A few hours later, my husband arrives home from work with my very own hammock. He went to the store and found one on clearance! I was sooooo happy. Now, I'm finally getting to use my hammock for the second summer. For those of you that have never tried one.......Aaaahhhh, you're missing out. :) I lay back, close my eyes, and let the wind gently rock me. It's instant relaxation!!! That is, until 2 little munchkins come running and give me a GREAT BIG push......
How surprised I was on the day my
Awesome hubby came home with a
Massive box just for me!
My long ago college dream
Of having a hammock in my backyard
Came truer than true that day.
Keep dreaming your dreams, no matter how silly. 'Cause one day, they might come true! :)

I'm excited to see all the vegetables in our garden peeking through the ground. Samuel checks the tomato & pepper plants every day! He can't wait to pick one for mommy!!!