At the urgent request of a certain friend, I am finally posting some more pictures! :)
Maybe later, I'll post some pictures of the reason why the blog has been silent.
Here's Callie & I on Father's Day with our matching outfits. I made Callie's skirt on Sunday morning before church!!! Sorry, I know it's Father's Day, but know pictures of Daddy & the kiddies this year. :(

Samuel wanted to show off that he could ride his tricycle. Since Sunday, he has learned how to ride his big bike. That really motivated Callie......she HAD to learn how to ride the tricycle. She did!!! She's one determined little girl. She goes sooooo fast that she tips it over! :)

Callie & Samuel in the Ladies restroom. Samuel's not too into his picture taken with a bunch of flowers!

Seth & Christopher in Sunday School. I found out that Christopher loves pink. Much to the dismay of the pastor & his wife & daughter, I HAD to go out and find him a pink shirt!

Daddy with a picture frame that Seth made for him.

A card from all the kids.....betcha can't guess who picked a Dora card out! :)

So there we have it........another post....FINALLY!
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