Our special breakfast on Tuesday morning.

All our stockings hung by the fireplace with care! I have been wanting to get stocking holders for years. I finally bought them on Monday for 80% off at Hobby Lobby. Callie & Samuel's gifts were a bit too heavy for the holders to handle so I had to improvise to give the "appearance" of the stocking holders holding them up! :)

All the kids in front of their stockings.

The kids tear into their gifts. Callie shook & shook her stocking until every last gift came out!

Samuel opens his gifts.

Seth with his Yahtzee game.

Simon with a new Slamwich game.

Callie was the last kid to have everything opened!

Seth with a new army plane, Nerf gun stuff, Garfield book, Yahtzee game & Pez dispenser.

Samuel with an assortment of construction vehicles & Pez dispenser. One of his gifts is not in the picture. All the kids received 5 gifts each.

Callie with all her stocking gifts: Princess cups, Princess Doorbell, Pez Dispenser, Dora Dominos & Dora Playset

Simon with his Slamwich game, Garfield book, Maze book, Pez Dispenser & WALL.E pillowcase.

Daddy with his stocking stuff: Kit-Kats, Pringles, Shampoo, Subway gift card & World War II book.
Mommy with her stocking stuff: Batteries for my camera (the kind that last Forever!), chocolates, and a gift not pictured--new boots(I get to go pick them out).

Seth had to take this picture of the chocolates inside the bag. They are caramels and caramel turtles. They are delicious!

The fruit centerpiece I made for our Dinner. Callie & Samuel were fascinated with me making this.

Our family at the table. We had spaghetti & garlic bread.

The special King's Day cake I made. There was a baby Jesus hidden inside. Whoever got the piece of cake with the baby inside, got to wear the King's crown and be King for the evening!

Seth found the baby inside his piece of cake. Now in giving everyone their first piece of cake, no one found the baby. I had to cut everyone a 2nd. piece of cake (which they will eat later) so baby Jesus could be found!
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Thankyou for visiting my blog & leaving me a comment.
Your children are beautiful, & you look a happy wonderful family.
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