I finally had the time to get some 30th. photos of myself. Both photo sessions were not planned, so it was stress-free. No worries about what to wear or how my hair looked. How I looked when we spontaneously decided to take the photos was how I looked! The first 3 pictures are taken outside with this HUGE tree as the background. (I did a post about the tree in November.) The rest of the pictures were taken in my music studio with the assortment of instruments that I play...or at least try to :) Make sure you don't miss the last picture posted....just for fun! :)
~Photography by my wonderful sister-in-law, Sarah~

I like them all except the very last one. That one ranks right up there with the doughnut "contest."
My favorite is the second one.
I rather like the last one and should I assume that a chincello is a cello that fits under your chin??
Yep...you assumed correctly. You play the chincello just like a violin/viola except that it has the same pitch of strings that a cello has. I should mention that the strings are VERY thick, kill your fingers when you play very long, and the instrument stretches out your arm! When I pick up my violin after playing the chincello, it seems like a toy it's so tiny and light! It's a fun instrument though. My students loved trying it out!
I just remembered that I forgot to add my electric violin in the picture. Now that is a funny looking instrument! :)
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You look great! You still look the same as you did back in the good ol FWA days.LOL Once you hit 30 it doesn't sound so old anymore. I will be 33 this year. Ahhhhhh
P.S. I like the first picture the best.8o)
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