My 2 year-old daughter FINALLY decided it was time to grow up and be a BIG girl. She made the decision to potty train! On Friday evening, Daddy was on the computer when he heard Callie grunting. He looked over at her and asked, "What are you doing?" She replied that she was pooping.
(sorry if I am offending anyone here) Daddy told his daughter that she needed to do THAT in the potty. She ran and told me that she needed to poop in the potty! I didn't really believe her, but sat her on the potty anyway. To my surprise, a little bit later she yells, "Mommy, I'm done!" She had went in the potty!!! I put underwear on her and she has went in the potty ever since.
(with only 2 accidents-which made her so sad that she cried) I have learned through previously potty-training 3 other children, it is far EASIER to potty-train when THEY decide to do it and when Daddy encourages them.
Love the picture!
Congrats on the potty training. It's always a relief when they're ready and willing.
YAY for YOU!!!
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