My sister-in-law took some pictures of Callie & I. We tried and tried to get Callie to smile. She would just frown even harder. Finally, she covered her eyes with her hands. She was trying to hide the fact that she was trying NOT to smile.
The other pictures are some views of Simon as the donkey, Seth, Lauren and the children's choir! I think this will be the LAST year for a member of our family to be the donkey. The costume barely fit Simon this year. I made the costume at least 3 years ago. Either Seth or Simon have worn it in the Christmas program since then. Next year, someone else can take over as the donkey! :) Oh, and did I mention that one of the angels threw up at the end of the program! Yeah, and I was sitting about 5 feet in front of her! I thought I was going to get sick myself! :(

Samuel & Callie with their Sunday School Class. This was the first Christmas Program for both of them. They actually stayed up with their class! Mommy was a nervous wreck about Callie. She refused to go to the bathroom before the program. She didn't have an accident 'thank goodness'! As soon as the class was finished with their part, she came straight to wear I was sitting saying in a LOUD voice. "I pee in the potty, Mommy!" Mommy hurried her into the bathroom and she FINALLY went! Of course, the rest of the program she kept telling me she wanted to go again. I think she has discovered another excuse for leaving during church now! :)
Take note of the fact that Callie is the ONLY girl without tinsel in her hair. I tried and tried to get her to wear it, she refused. I went and got Daddy. He talked her into wearing it. But, somehow she managed to ditch it before going onstage. She can be STUBBORN sometimes! I just don't know WHO she takes THAT after! :)
Samuel, on the other hand, stood like a solemn shepherd the entire time. He tried singing along with his class and than decided it would be more interesting to figure out what made that candle work! Oh, and by the way, Samuel's collar WAS down and his shirt WAS tucked in and his hair WAS coated with hairspray when he went to Sunday School. Maybe I should sew his shirts to his underwear! Maybe they would stay tucked in! Don't know what to do about the undoing of his hair. Except maybe give him a military cut! :)

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