Celebrating my 34th. birthday a few days early. I received some gift cards to one of my favorite stores....JoAnn Fabrics! Also, some money to spend....can't wait to go shopping!

After dinner, the younger kiddos had a small egg hunt outside. It was beautiful outside!

The guys hid the eggs for the kiddos...

Grandma pulled out the Easter Bunny costume and visited the grandkids.

Being silly....instead of the guys sitting on the Easter Bunny's lap....the Easter Bunny sat on THEIR lap!!!

Dad and the Easter Bunny!

Callie wanted a picture of her with her candy.

The younger grandkids.

On Saturday, our church had their annual truth hunt. Duane took the kids to the hunt, while I did our weekly grocery shopping. Here are some pictures he took.....

Our Easter Memorial cross in the church lobby.

Samuel hunts for eggs.

Callie.....she chose to have one WILD hair-do this day. We give her hairstyles names. This was called the Easter egg nest!!! Creative child!!!!

Easter Sunday morning pictures of the younger two kids. Our older two kids were with their grandparents so I have no pictures of them on Easter Sunday...:(

Callie with an Easter bunny the neighbor gave her.

Another fancy hairstyle for Callie...
Happy birthday!!!! =) Glad you posted.
Well, I hope your birthday and the shopping that goes with it is just fabulous! You know, something about Callie's wild hair-dos reminds me of a couple crazy dos of her mother's! ;) I don't think we named yours, though!
Thanks for posting. I have missed the updates. I love seeing the pictures of your family. Love you guys.
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