Can anyone identify this bug for me? My father-in-law helped Simon catch bugs for his bug collection project--due tomorrow--and now they can remember what bug this was that they caught!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!! I VERY thankful that Grandpa helped with the bug collection this year. Last year, Mommy helped with the bug collection and ended up in the emergency room til 3:00 in the morning with half a straight pin buried in her finger! They had to cut it out and stitch me back up! I HATE BUG COLLECTIONS!!!!
Simon pokes a straight pin through a bug with grandpa's help. I was shuddering at the crunching sounds the pins through the bugs made! :(
Sorry, I don't recognize it. Check They have pictures of every bug imaginable!
Thanks for the website. Wow! They have tons of VERY interesting bugs! I shuddered looking at some of them. My kids were like, "Mommy, go back, go back! What was THAT!" :)
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