This time last year it was wet, cold, & rainy out. It was nice to enjoy the beautiful sunshine, big puffy clouds, and a bright blue sky! On the drive to put flowers on my mother-in-law's grave the kids & I discovered pictures in the sky. Callie started it out with spotting an airplane in the clouds. I looked, and sure enough, there was a big 'cloud-shaped' airplane in the sky. It's been a long time since I've been so relaxed that I have been able to spot shapes in the sky! :) Our little vacation last weekend did wonders to revive me! One of these days, I'll share the photos & stories from the weekend jaunt into Tennessee. For now, I'm trying to stay somewhat current with happenings around here.............
Our annual trip to remember a wonderful mom, grandma & mother-in-law. We all miss her so much. I am so thankful for the time I had with her and the time she spent with my two oldest boys. Even though Samuel & Callie never met their Grandma Thomas, they were really excited about taking pretty flowers to her grave. We normally do not let our children climb on gravestones. But, they both climbed right up and wanted their picture taken. :)
Seth attempts to hold Samuel's head so that he will look at the camera. Simon holds his eyelids open. Callie holds onto her wind-blown hair. Mommy just laughs at it all.....

The kids checking out the rest of the cemetery. Seth informed me that the cemetery would be spooky at night! 
Callie got a pair of super-silly glasses in the treasure box in Sunday School today. She was cracking us up on the way home!
Callie being silly!
Simon just HAD to try on Callie's glasses!
Mother's Day Dinner - Roast, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, carrots, homemade bread, lemonade, & strawberry shortcake for dessert.
Opening up gifts from my kids. Seth & Simon walked to the Dollar store and each bought me a bar of dark chocolate with some of their allowance. Seth took this picture of me! :)
I was overwhelmed with cards and gifts from my kids this year! Samuel's & Seth's cards are on the left and Callie's & Simon's on the right. The big card in the back is from all of them. It was cute. They went to the store and bought me a card all by themselves. Then, they signed the envelope, but NOT the card! :) Seth painted the pot and planted the flowers for me. He also wrote a special message inside the card he made for me.
Here is a close-up of one of the many gifts Simon bought for me. He bought this at a garage sale we went to on Saturday. He paid .25 cents for it! He was so excited to find this for me.
As we were leaving the same garage that Simon bought the wind chime for me, he found the little tiny carving. He told me he had found something else for me. When he went to pay for it, the lady gave it to him for free. That made his day! He just couldn't wait until Mother's Day to give me the 2 items he got for me at the garage sale. A little bit later, while we were waiting in the car at the library, he gave both things to me. Simon is my child that cannot wait to give someone a gift that he has for them!!!! He just can't keep a secret for very long at all. :)
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