First all, got to warn you.....LOADS of pictures ahead!!! Today has been one of my most memorable Mother's Day so far!! :) A couple months ago, I was talking to our pastor's wife & daughter. Too make a looong story short, I volunteered to make gifts for each of our mothers today at church. The following 3 pictures are what I came up with.
Starting clockwise from the top left corner we have fabric tissue covers with Kleenex inside, Boo-boo bags filled with flaxseed, Wheat therapy bags, potholders.key fobs......
wristlets,coin purses, sunglass cases w/ sunglasses, plastic grocery bag holders......
the rest of the bag holders, a cloth grocery bag(for those 'going green'), and a tote bage! I had so much fun thinking up things to sew for the ladies at church. I made 50 gifts total!!
Simon brought me breakfast in bed this morning. He has been talking for weeks about wanting to make breakfast for me on Mother's Day. Soooooo.....he cooked the breakfast last night. Put the plate of food in the fridge, and warmed it up for me this morning. It was yummy!! :) He did it that way, 'cause he's been going with his Daddy EARLY every Sunday to ride on the bus to pick up the kids.
My yummy breakfast in bed with a gift bag stuffed with 2 hershey dark chocolate candy bars inside!
Me with Callie & Samuel in front of the snowball bush at my father-in-law's house. My mother-in-law would have her picture taken every mother's day in front of this bush. I thought it would be neat to get some pictures of me and the kids with it this year!
My sweet (but terribly hyper) daughter!! She all but danced around during the 'moment of encouragment' at church this morning. She raced from person to person shaking their hand. If someone didn't see her and walked past, she ran after them patting their behinds!!!!!!!!!! Only Callie......:) Oh...and I did I mention she hunted the pastor's youngest son down and gave him a kiss today!!!!!!!!!!!
Simon....wanted to wear a snowball blossom on his suitcoat lapel so badly. One problem, their was no buttonhole put in the suitcoat for him to put the stem through. He said he'd put a buttonhole in his jacket. He picks up a colored pencil and prepares to poke a hole in the jacket!!! I had to let him know that he wouldn't always want a hole in his suitcoat. He thought about it and agreed with me! :)
Putting flowers on grandma's grave. Simon and Calllie both wanted to put their snowball blossom beside the yellow roses we brought. They were both digging little holes to try and poke the stems through.
My four wonderful children by my wonderful mother-in-law's grave. She was the best MIL in the world and even though Samuel & Callie never had the privilege of knowing her, I just know she would have loved them to pieces! We miss her so much, but God needed her more and I'm sure she's taking care of our baby up in heaven. Oh....check out Samuel's can tell how windy it was outside today!!

Once upon a time there was a mommy that took her kids to the Dollar Tree. She gave them each $1 and change and a shopping they went to buy a gift for her. She tried to keep an eye on them while trying not to see what they were picking out. She had a sneaking suspicion that it was all candy. Sure enough, when the cute little gifts bags were opened there was candy a plenty!!! The little girl bought her mommy 4 ring pops. Just enough for one per child. The youngest 2 boys bought her 2 candy bars each. One for her and one to share with them she was told. The oldest son, bought his mommy her favorite candy, Reese's PB cups! He told her he was sad that they didn't have dark chocolate reese cups. The mommy said these would do just fine, for she loved these LONG before they came out with the others. He also made her a sweet card and had all his brothers & sister sign it.
Two of the Dollar Tree shoppers that insisted their picture get taken with mommy's gifts.
I pretended to lick all 4 of the ring pops, then handed one out to each kid! :)
And another picture of me and my ring pops just 'cause this has got to be the most unique Mother's Day gift ever!!! :) Did I mention these were from my silly daughter Callie!!?? lol
And just ONE more picture of me and my wonderful, good-looking husband. I just loved how he looked walking around the cemetery and insisted on a picture with him. He went to get his tie all fixed up and shirt buttoned, but I said, "No, leave it! I love it just the way it is!" I told him he looked like a CIA agent with his dark jacket and sunglasses. :)
If you made it this far, you're a brave soul!!! Thanks for letting me share my memories(so far) of Mother's Day!!! Happy Mother's Day everyone!!!!!!!!