I finally sewed a new outfit for Callie! She was quite unhappy with me when I was just sewing stuff for Samuel! :) I have stacks of fabric waiting to be sewn up into clothes for her, but she wanted her zebra skirt and shirt. As soon she tried it on she wanted to go outside and twirl around.....
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Seth & Simon's 1st. day of School
Seth is in 5th. grade this year. He gets to change classrooms this year and is discovering that school will be getting harder! :)
Samuel's Back to School Party
A bus cake was baked and decorated to celebrate Samuel's first day of school on Wednesday, August 20! So....after church, we all gathered around Samuel and sang "Happy School Day to You"! He wanted us to sing to him! :) He loved going to school and was VERY happy to go back on Friday!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Samuel's 1st. day of K-4!
Samuel's first day of school is today! He insisted on combing his own hair! He is growing up!

Waiting to leave for his 1st. day of school!

Samuel loves his 'construction' shirt! He picked out the fabric and was beside himself ripping open the box when it arrived. I made his school outfit for less than $3!! Yeah for mama made school clothes!

Pants made by mama late last night...with pockets....

...and belt loops that nearly broke my machine! :)

In front of the school.

With his teacher, Mrs. Skaggs.

Sitting at his desk looking just a bit unhappy!
Waiting to leave for his 1st. day of school!
Samuel loves his 'construction' shirt! He picked out the fabric and was beside himself ripping open the box when it arrived. I made his school outfit for less than $3!! Yeah for mama made school clothes!
Pants made by mama late last night...with pockets....
...and belt loops that nearly broke my machine! :)
In front of the school.
With his teacher, Mrs. Skaggs.
Sitting at his desk looking just a bit unhappy!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Early Morning Excitement!!
edit: I apologize for the pics. I tried uploading to photobucket, then I copied & pasted the html code in blogger and now it just shows half of the picture. What's up with that? If you want to see the ENTIRE picture you'll have to click on it! :( Where did I go wrong? Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
I'm laying in bed, trying to catch up on all the hours of sleep I've lost in the past week when I hear a sound. The whooshing sound of air. I leap out of bed yelling, "The balloons are here, the balloons are here. Hurry up and go outside so we can see them!" I pull on my clothes, slap on my glasses and blearily stumble out the front door with all four kids. I hear them all around me, but my sleep-hazed eyes cannot see a thing but blur. I blink a few times, trying to clear out all the gunk that gets in your eyes at night! :) Finally I can't see the beautiful balloons passing right over my head! What a wonderful sight to see in the early morning. Makes it worth it to get out of bed on a Saturday morning!!! :)

The older kids jumped on bikes and rode up and down the street trying to catch glimpses of more balloons coming! Samuel & Callie have a discussion over Samuel bumping into his sister!

The 3 older kids were excited that the people in this balloon waved and said "Hi!" to them! I ran across the street so I could get a picture of the balloon and my house and part of my kids all at the same time! Shooey.....that was a lengthy sentence!

Here is Callie twirling around in her new balloon skirt I made her in honor of the balloon fest being this weekend! I've been eyeing the fabric at Wal-Mart all summer thinking it would be perfect for this. I finally splurged and bought some yesterday. It was finally on clearance!! Yeah for waiting!

And another twirly pose, just because..................! I'm a proud mama! :)

Sorry about this one being on it's side. I did rotate it, but for some reason it's wanting to lay down. :) Just turn your head or your computer screen. Samuel wanted a pair of balloon shorts. Not the typically boy fabric, but I thought it would be ok for a balloon fest! The crazy pockets took forever to add with all the ironing, topstitching, pleating, but he was one happy guy to have 2 pockets on his shorts!!!

I'm laying in bed, trying to catch up on all the hours of sleep I've lost in the past week when I hear a sound. The whooshing sound of air. I leap out of bed yelling, "The balloons are here, the balloons are here. Hurry up and go outside so we can see them!" I pull on my clothes, slap on my glasses and blearily stumble out the front door with all four kids. I hear them all around me, but my sleep-hazed eyes cannot see a thing but blur. I blink a few times, trying to clear out all the gunk that gets in your eyes at night! :) Finally I can't see the beautiful balloons passing right over my head! What a wonderful sight to see in the early morning. Makes it worth it to get out of bed on a Saturday morning!!! :)
The older kids jumped on bikes and rode up and down the street trying to catch glimpses of more balloons coming! Samuel & Callie have a discussion over Samuel bumping into his sister!
The 3 older kids were excited that the people in this balloon waved and said "Hi!" to them! I ran across the street so I could get a picture of the balloon and my house and part of my kids all at the same time! Shooey.....that was a lengthy sentence!
Here is Callie twirling around in her new balloon skirt I made her in honor of the balloon fest being this weekend! I've been eyeing the fabric at Wal-Mart all summer thinking it would be perfect for this. I finally splurged and bought some yesterday. It was finally on clearance!! Yeah for waiting!
And another twirly pose, just because..................! I'm a proud mama! :)
Sorry about this one being on it's side. I did rotate it, but for some reason it's wanting to lay down. :) Just turn your head or your computer screen. Samuel wanted a pair of balloon shorts. Not the typically boy fabric, but I thought it would be ok for a balloon fest! The crazy pockets took forever to add with all the ironing, topstitching, pleating, but he was one happy guy to have 2 pockets on his shorts!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
~I'm a nervous wreck~
I'm in shock. I'm writing this down while it's fresh on my mind. Who knows if I could need the details at a later date. I'm praying not. Sierra came over and asked if she could play with Seth & Simon. I sent them out to play. A little bit later Seth comes in to tell me that a girl named Haley got hurt outside. I have no clue who Haley is. I didn't even know a Haley was playing with the kids. He said that he tossed a light saber for this Haley girl to catch and she turned her head as he tossed it and it hit her in the head. The right side, by the way. I wasn't too concerned about it. I was a plastic light saber. I'm thinking she can't be all the badly hurt. A little while later, the girl's mom shows up with the girl in tow. She tells me to STEP OUT OF MY HOUSE so she can show me something. She proceeds to tell me that my son HIT her daughter. I lean over and look at the girl's injury. I see 2-3 tiny scratches/cuts on her earlobe and some very wet hair from the washcloth being over the injury. Her mom said she has a knot on her head. She than proceeds to tell me that her daughter is never allowed to play with my kids and that the neighbor is never allowed to play with my kids again. She tells me that my kids are violent. She complains that Callie, my 3 year old, hit Sierra (she's 9 and the neighbor girl). She tells me that is just awful! She tells me she is taking her daughter to the doctor and she is bringing me back the bill. She stalks back to her SUV and guns out of my driveway. I go over to the neighbors house to see if an adult over their knows what happened. Sierra is home with her older brother. I think he just graduated from high school or is maybe a senior. Sierra tells me exactly what Seth said. The girls wanted to play light sabers with my boys, Seth tossed her a light saber and she turned her head and it hit her instead. I go back home. I talk to my father-n-law. I talk to my husband twice. While talking to him the second time, the police show up!!!!!!!! The policeman asks for Seth to tell him what happened. Seth told him, he writes it down on a little notepad. He tells us that criminal charges won't be filed because Seth is under 11. He said it sounds like it was just a simple kids accident. He tells us that he has 3 kids of his own. He understands how stuff like this happens. He says that the mom said she's taking her daughter to the doctor. He says it's best for the parents to settle this between themselves and not get the courts involved. I'm thinking why in the world did this woman call the police? I shaking after both visits. Seth sits on the couch and quietly cries. He says he is so sorry that this happened. He didn't mean to hurt the girl. I think to myself, "Why didn't I let the kids stay inside and play XBOX & computer games." That's what they had been doing. When the neighbor girl, Sierra, came over I was the one that made them go outside and get some fresh air. Why, oh why, didn't I just let them stay inside. There are alot of 'WHY'S' & 'WHAT-IF'S' at this point. I don't know how it's all going to play out. I've called our insurance company so that they are aware of the situation. They gave me some advice on what to say to the woman when/if she comes back. A little bit ago, there was a pounding at the door. My heart stopped breathing. I think...here she is. I grab my paper and pen to jot down the info the insurance company wants. I look out the door and see a man with a roofing truck. I think, "Oh no! She's called the dad and he's here to yell at me some more." I contemplate not even answering the door. But figure, we have enough cars parked in the driveway that he'll know we are home. I open the door with great trepidation. I'm sure I had the 'deer-in-the-headlights' look on my face. He gives me a smile and asks if I know where Greg lives. I tell him where the only Greg I know lives and he thanks me and leaves. It takes me a long time after that to stop shaking. I was thinking that this would be a good stay-in-and-eat-lots-of-pizza-night. I don't know. I think if I stay home, I will be worried sick about when this woman is going to show up and what she's going to do. I watch/read entirely too many mysteries/csi/ncis/jag etc.... My imagination is quite colorful. I let it get away with me far too much. I need to de-stress. Anybody have a home I can come de-stress/hide at for awhile? I'm a wreck. A complete and total basket-case. I do feel a little better now that I have spilled my guts to a bunch of nameless faces. Blogging can be cathartic!!
~A Peeping 'Frog'!~
Special news bulletin! There is a peeping frog lurking in the backyards of unsuspecting homeowners!!!! Keep all windows covered from dusk til dawn if you want to avoid being startled by this little guy! :)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Birthday gifts for my nephews!
Joshua & Josiah, my twin nephews, are turning 4 this week! Can't believe it's been that long! I'm tempted to search for the picture of my sister-in-law the week she had them!!! :) I'll be nice and refrain! I made them each an I SPY bag. Each bag has a bunch of items plus the letters of their names hidden inside! Should keep them entertained and out of trouble for a little bit! :) Now I need to make one for my niece. She turned 4 last week!! Everyone is growing up way too fast.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I'm miserable.......
I'm sick of feeling itchy, and ugly, and salty! I have poison ivy!!! No this is not a picture of my leg. I googled pictures of poison ivy victims and this by far beats them all!!! I stayed home from church today with my salt whiskers! I'm trying some different home remedies to relieve the itching. So far, the salt works the best. I wet my skin and them rub salt all over the rash. It stings real bad at first, but then the itching goes away! This is the 2nd. year in a row I have gotten it after weeding the flowerbeds. At this point, I'm ready to tear up the flowers and have Duane plant grass instead. :) Tomorrow, I'm going to buy some activated charcoal and take it. Supposedly that helps with poison ivy.

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